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How to use Google+

Berikut beberapa link video youtube mengenai Google+ 1. Google+: Set Up Your Profile 2. Google+: Sharing 3. Google+: There's more to explore 4. Google+: About Circles 5. Google+: Reading and Responding 6. Google+: Broadcast Your Hangout To The World 7. Google+: Getting Started With Hangouts On Air 8. Google+ Events: Introducing a new way to get together 9. Introducing Google+ Events 10. Google+: Organize your photos 11. Google+: See who a post is shared with 12. Google+: Edit your Photos 13. Google+: Manage the content in your stream 14. Google+: Switching between your profile and page 15. Google+: Search and trending topics 16. Google+: Photo tagging 17. Google+: Mention someone in a post 18. Google+: +1 across the web 19. Google+: Visibility of content 20. Google+: Sharebox and Notifications 21. Google+: Start a Hangout 22. Google+: Find People You Know 23. Google+: Customize Your Settings 24. Google+ Events: Share event photos instantly with Party M...

Fitur Baru Pencarian di Google

Sekarang kita bisa mencari aplikasi melalui fitur application di Google Search, hal ini tentu dapat memudahkan kita serta menghemat waktu dalam melakukan pencarian aplikasi di google. Cukup dengan memilih tab "Applications" atau jika tidak ada klik "More" kemudian pilih "Applications" sebagai contoh, silahkan lihat pada gambar di bawah ini. Fitur Pencarian Aplikasi